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    Design Fundamental Structure
  1. Visualizing a website
  2. Defining the basic elements of a website on paper
  3. Considering User Friendliness
  4. Mobile friendliness
    Basic in WEB DESIGN
  1. Brief History of Internet
  2. What is World Wide Web
  3. Why create a website
  4. Web Standards
    HTML / HTML5
  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. Structure of a Web Page
  3. Learn about HTML entities
  4. Events in HTML
  5. Whitespace & comments
  6. Block & Inline tags
  7. Image & Text, Introduction to HTML5
  8. Elements in HTML5
  9. Tags & Attributes in HTML5
  10. Audio and Video
  11. HTML5 Canvas
  12. HTML references
  13. HTML forms
    CSS / CSS3
  1. Introducing CSS3
  2. Selectors and Pseudo Classes
  3. Fonts and Text Effects
  4. Colors, Gradients, Background Images, and Masks
  5. Borders and Box Effects
  6. Transitions, Transforms, and Animations
  7. Layout: Columns and Flexible Box
  8. Vendor Prefixes