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Application Languages

Certified C Programmer (CCP)
    Basics of C
  1. History and Features of C
  2. Importance of C
  3. About Procedural Language
  4. Role of Compiler
  5. Role of Interpreter
  6. The Structure of a C Program
  7. Writing C Programs
  8. Building an Executable Version of a C Program
  9. Debugging a C Program
  10. Examining and Running a C Application Program
    An Overview Of C And Buzzwords
  1. Data Type, Variable
  2. Operators
  3. Control Statement
  4. Preprocessor Directives Input and Output Operators
  5. Reading/Writing Characters
  6. Formatted input/output Function
    Control Statement
  1. The IF.....ELSE Statement
  2. IF......ELSE ladder
  3. Nesting of IF.....ELSE Statements
  4. The Switching Statements
  5. The do-while Statement
  6. The while statement
  7. FOR Statements
    Array in C
  1. Array : What and Why?
  2. One Dimensions Arrays
  3. Two Dimensions Arrays
  4. Multi Dimensions Arrays
  5. Dynamic Arrays
    String Handling
  1. Reading String from Terminal
  2. Writing String to Screen
  3. String Handling Functions
  4. Table of String
    Function in C
  1. Function Basics
  2. Advantage of Function
  3. Recursion
  4. Variable Storage Classes
  5. Variable arguments Function
    Pointers in C
  1. Understanding Pointers
  2. Pointer expressions
  3. Pointer and Arrays
  4. Pointers and Character String
  5. Pointers to Functions
  6. Pointers and Structure